The Riddle of White Nationalism



Let’s use a metaphor, imagine you are an Indian man, and unfortunately for you, there happens to be a global insurgence of violent Indians who own guns and they are murdering innocent women and children, and they have murdered people praying in churches in Charlottesville and Springfield and they have blown up mosques in Atlanta, and blown up abortion clinics and murdered doctors who perform abortions and they have sexually abused children by the millions and we have spent trillions of dollars trying to contain the damage, many of these Indian men are defending their right to own guns and they are seeking to acquire nuclear weapons and they are also lying about the amount of energy in their hydrogen bombs, now imagine hearing presidents and prime ministers and newspaper columnists, and even your fellow Indians express the fear that merely acknowledging the redness of these Indians and their Asian origins would so oppress and alienate other Indians that they too will become radicalized and adopt some form of violent extremism, imagine being told that at all costs we must not confirm the narrative of these Indians. You might be confused by the racial characteristic of this metaphor, because I have employed Indians as a metaphor to illustrate white supremacy but this is the situation we are in with white supremacists. We are told to never acknowledge that White men emblazoned with swastikas are of greater interest from a security point of view than elderly Hawaiian women, and at all times we must never call them Nazis but must say they have a mental illness.
Many people believe that by admitting this, we shall provoke otherwise peaceful white men, that they too will be motivated to become nationalists. Many of these white men I had also forgotten to mention also have a history of owning slaves. But these white men tell us that Muslims and Blacks and North Koreans are the threat.

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